如果您有一些关于儿童乘客安全的问题,或想预约到访汽车安全座椅教学咨询站,请联系就近您社群的BCAA 儿童汽车安全教育工作者。
如果您的机构想加入名单或从名单中删除,请致电1.877.247.5551或电邮 communityimpact@bcaa.com 联系BCAA儿童乘客安全计划。
地点 | 联系 | 机构 | 电话 |
100 Mile House | Tammy Mikkelsen | Cariboo Family Enrichment Centre | 250-395-5155 Tues-Thurs drop-in - no appointment required |
Abbotsford | Alicia Pastro | Abbotsford Police Department | 6048644818 |
Abbotsford | Harshul Gupta | Abbotsford Police Department | 2367000070 |
Abbotsford | Janice Kampman | Janice Kampman | 778-808-3512 |
Abbotsford | Liz Kahle | Archway Community Services | 604-859-7681 #288 |
Abbotsford | Sophia Caissie | Abbotsford Police Department | 6049619348 |
Abbotsford | Wendy Halliwell | Abbotsford Police | 6043096255 |
Abbotsford/Mission | Rimmi Purewal-Deol | Rimmi Purewal | 778-552-6995 |
Adams Lake | Niomi Boadway | Adams Lake Indian Band | 250-371-7062 |
Agassiz | Angela DeBruyn | Seabird Early Child Development | 604-997-0739 |
Agassiz | Judith Dela Vega | Seabird Early Child Development | 16049973064 |
Agassiz | Stephanie Roy | Seabird Early Child Development | 604-378-0460 |
Agassiz | Yvonne Bobb | Seabird Early Child Development | 604-798-5156 |
Agassiz/Hope | Danielle Rigden | Seabird Island Band - Early Childhood Centre of Excellence | 16047966854 |
Bella Bella | Danya Brown | Qaqauailas Daycare | 250-957-7762 |
Bella Bella | Tamara Powell | Hailika'as Heiltsuk Health Centre Society | 250-957-2308 ext 213 or tamarap@heiltsukhealth.com |
Black Creek | Oyster River Fire | 250-337-8121 Appointment only | |
Brentwood Bay | Central Saanich Fire Dept | 250-544-4244 Appointment only | |
British Columbia | BCAA Child Passenger Safety Program | 1-877-247-5551 | |
Burnaby | Kevin Connolly | Burnaby RCMP | 604-348-6795 |
Burns Lake | Birgit Wilson | Elizbeth Fry | 250-692-3057 ext 2005 |
Burns Lake | Christina Henry | Carrier Sejani Family Services | 250-251-5539 |
Burns Lake | Nikki Joyce (Christy) | Little Angels Daycare and Head Start | 250-692-7703 |
Campbell River | Cherie Dalton | Campbell River Family Services | 250-287-2421 Appointment only |
Castlegar | Jennifer (Jenn) Popoff | ECE/Community | 250-505-3747 |
Central Saanich | Central Saanich Fire Dept | 250-544-4244 Appointment only | |
Chilliwack | Jacklyn Malloway | Skowkale childcare Center | 6048453904 |
Chilliwack | Lana Hergott | Chilliwack Community Services | 604-701-4978 #6021 Appointment only |
Chilliwack | Michelle Wulff | Chilliwack Crime Prevention | 604-393-3000 |
Chilliwack | Natallya Codoceo | Stolo Nation | 604-997-7735 |
Clearwater | Bobbi-Ann (Strachan) Tucker | Yellowhead Community Services - Clearwater | 250-674-2600 |
Clearwater | Denica Kelly | Yellowhead Community Services - Clearwater | 250-674-3530 |
Clinton | Sandi Burrage | Clinton Early Learning Programs | 250-459-2219 or 250-852-1203 |
Colwood | Colwood Fire | 250-478-8321 Appointment only | |
Comox | Comox Fire Rescue | 250-339-2432 Appointment only | |
Coquitlam | Colleen Jones | Colleen Jones | 79westcoast@gmail.com |
Coquitlam | Community Policing | Coquitlam RCMP | 604-945-1586 Appt only |
Cranbrook | Ashley Katrenicz | Ktunaxa Kinbasket Child and Family Services Society | 250-421-4934 |
Cranbrook | Aurora Leland Ambeault-Wannamaker | Ktunax Kinbasket Child&Family Services | 2504238703 |
Cranbrook | Brittany Neuleben-Groff | Ktunaxa Nation | 6043234239 |
Cranbrook | Carla Smith | KKCFSS | 250-489-4563 ext 3013 |
Cranbrook | Daleen Creally | Independent | 2504260299 |
Cranbrook | Debie Htay | KKCFSS | 7786873117 |
Cranbrook | Felicity Jones | Christina Roy | 4038354464 |
Cranbrook | Hailie Porter | Ktunaxa Kinbasket Child and Family Services Society | 2506403288 |
Cranbrook | Mackenzie Lacoursiere | KKCFSS | mackenzie.lacoursiere@ktunaxa.org |
Cranbrook | Portia-Rose Grandmaison | Ktunaxa Kinbasket Child and Family Services Society | 250-421-3141 |
Cranbrook | Sara Chorney | Ktunaxa Nation Health Clinic | 2504202700 |
Creston | Jayda Wickhorst | Ktunaxa Kinbasket Child and Family Services Society | 2504281808 |
Dawson Creek | Dawson Creek Fire | 250-782-9898 Appointment only | |
Duncan | Donna lee Vandekerkhove | Cowichan Tribes | 250-732-8179 |
Duncan | Madison Thomas | Lalum’utul Smun’eem Child & Family Services | 2505105483 |
Duncan | Matilda Margaret Modeste | Cowichan Tribes | 2507328328 |
Duncan | Sandra Valerie Seymour | Cowichan Tribes | 250-732-1735 |
Elko | Corlyn Haastad | Elko Fire Department | 2505297637 |
Esquimalt | Esquimalt Fire | 250-414-7126 | |
Fort Nelson | Northern Rockies Fire Rescue | 250-774--3955 Appointment only | |
Fort St James | Charnel Quinn | Nezul Be Hunuyeh | 250-996-6806 Appointment only |
Fort St James | Jillian Illerbrun | Nezul Be Hunuyeh | 250-996-6806 Appointment only |
Fort St James | Kristi howell | Nezul Be Hunuyeh | 250-996-6806 Appointment only |
Fort St James | Kristy Erickson | Nezul Be Hunuyeh | 250-996-6806 Appointment only |
Fort St James | Shelby Weatherill | Connexus Community Resources | 250-996-1675 |
Fort St John | Alyn Stobbe | Fort St John Fire Department | 250-262-7256 |
Fort St John | Lynette Hewitt | Northern Health Authority Fort St. John | 250-785-9527 |
Fort St John | Matthew Troiano | Fort St John Fire Department | 2507878007 |
Gibsons | Gibsons Volunteer Fire Department | 604-885-6870 | |
Gitlaxt’aamiks | Samantha Gurney | Nisga’a Valley Health Authority | 2509224040 |
Golden | Kerrie Etienne | Golden Fire Rescue | 250-344-6401 |
Golden | Mike Pecora | Golden Fire Rescue | 250-344-6401 |
Grand Forks | Nicki-Jo Wolfram | Grand Forks RCMP/Fire Dept. | 250-442-8288 |
Hazelton | Jessica Parker | Anspayaxw Health Services | 2502952357 |
Hazelton | Jessie Marshall | Anspayaxw Health Services | 2508423387 |
Hope | Irais Guerrero | Hope Community Services | 604-869-2466 #105 Appointment only |
Hosmer | Jeremy Nordstrom | Hosmer Fire Department | 250-430-7979 |
Kamloops | Ambre Conklin | Secwepemc Child & Family Services | 250-461-7237 Appointment only |
Kamloops | Hannah Nobbs | Wild Ones Homestead | 6043002077 |
Kamloops | Kim Schneider | Interior Community Services - Baby's Head Start | 250-554-3134 |
Kamloops | Linda Reid | CPS Network | 250-554-0060 |
Kamloops | Kamloops Infant Development | 250-371-4140 Appointment only | |
Kamloops | Kamloops Child Development Centre | 250-376-2233 | |
Kamloops | Susanne Flukinger | Lii Michif Otipemisiwak Family and Cultural Services (LMO) | 250-319-8842 |
Kamloops | Tiffany Reid | Interior Health - Kamloops | 2506828433 |
Kamloops | Willow George | Secwepemc Child & Family Services | 250-461-7237 Appointment only |
Kaslo | Leanne Blancher | BC Emergency Health Services - Kaslo | 250-353-8681 |
Kelowna | Don Blevens | Baby & Me | 250-717-0556 |
Kelowna | Violet Navrot | Violet Navrot | 250-300-0689 |
Keremeos | Nancy Gunn | Interior Health -Keremeos | 2504993029 |
Keremeos | Rhianna Head | BC Ambulance Service | 250 499 1958 |
Kispiox | Katrina Mattson | Anspayaxw health | 2508426236 |
Kispiox | Stacey Johnson | Sik-E-Dakh Health Society | 250-842-6876 |
Kitimat | Amanda Martins | Haisla Nation Council | 250-639-2608 Appointment only |
Kitimat | Ashley Sevigny | Haisla Nation Council | 250-639-2608 Appointment only |
Kitimat | Jenny Kreuzinger | Kitimat Community Development Centre | 7786312071 ext.2006 |
Kitimat | Rikki | Haisla Nation Council | 250-639-2608 Appointment only |
Kwadacha | Dartanien massettoe | Boundary Child Care Resource and Referral | 250-442-5152 Appointment only |
Kyuquot | Shirley Hansen | Kyuquot/Chec CHR | 250332-5227 |
Kyuquot | Teresa John | Kyuquot/Chec CHR | 250 201 5513 |
Lake Cowichan | Steve Vatcher | Lake Cowichan Fire Dept | 250-749-3522 |
Langford | Benje Bartley | West Shore RCMP | 250-227-6545 Appointment only |
Langford | Mark hall | Rcmp west shore | 2508186225 |
Langford | Langford Fire Rescue | 250-478-9555 Appointment only | |
Langley | Aidan McGillveray | Aidan McGillveray | 778-998-6963 Appointment only |
Little Shuswap | Melanie Cierpka | Skw'lax Daycare | 250-319-0110 Appointment only |
LOWER NICOLA | Mark Coutlee | Scw'exmx Child and Family | 2502806275 |
Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows | Jo-Anne MacKenzie | Community Services CCRR | 604-467-6911 Appointment only |
Masset | Sara Gibson | Self | 250-837-1983 |
Merritt | Ali Antoine | Scw’exmx Child & Family Services Society | 250-315-7444 |
Merritt | Christie Hill | Lower Nicola Indian Band | 2503153661 |
Merritt | Emilie Thurber | Scw'exmx Child and Family | 6043164598 |
Merritt | Jen Brack | BC Emergency Health Services - Merritt | 778-257-0416 |
Merritt | Karen Swanson | Scw'exmx Child and Family | 2503155550 |
Merritt | Kelly | Scw’exmx Child and Family Services Society | 250-280-6980 |
Merritt | Lenora Fletcher | Merritt Youth and Family Resource Society | 250-378-4878 |
Merritt | Lizzie Shuter | Scwexmx Child and Family | 2503787930 |
Merritt | Marilynne Munro | Lower Nicola Indian Band | 250-315-3132 |
Merritt | Nolan Dyck | Scwexmx Child and Family | 7789829072 |
Merritt | Patsy Whiting | Conayt Friendship Society | 250-261-5820 |
Merritt | Paula | Scw’exmx Child and Family | 2509368967 |
Merritt | Rodrick Anderson | Scw’exmx Child & Family Services Society | 2503158556 |
Merritt | Rose Kramer | Scw'exmx Community Health Services Society | 250-378-9745 Appointment only |
Merritt | Steven Pavlovic | Merritt Fire Rescue Department | 514-706-7206 |
Merritt | wesley fuhrmann | Merritt Fire Rescue | 2502158856 |
Merritt, BC | Willa Ermineskin | Scw'exmx Child and Family | 2503153908 |
Merrittt | Catherine Holmes | Nooaitch Band | 2503780017 |
Metchosin | Mike Locke | Metchosin Fire | 250-883-4472 Appointment only |
Metchosin | Nik Wells | Metchosin Fire | 250-883-4472 Appointment only |
Mill bay | Gladys Danika Harry | Malahat nation | 250-510-2090 |
Mission | Aaron Lissimore | Mission Fire Rescue Service | 604-820-3793 |
Nanaimo | Kate Mooney | Nanaimo RCMP | 250-755-5090 |
Nelson | Jennifer (Jenn) Popoff | ECE/Community | 250-505-3747 |
New Aiyansh | Gelisa Stewart | GVG-Youth Councilor | 250-633-2259 |
New Aiyansh | Lawrence Gonu | Nisga’a Valley Health Authority | 250-975-1138 |
New Aiyansh | Sarah Clayton | NVHA | 2506335069 |
New Westminster | Lindsay Soo-Chan | New Westminster Police Department | 7787892054 |
New Westminster | Michele Pearce | Mother Me Newborn Care | 604 524 1793 |
New Westminster | Child Care Resource and Referral - Options | 604-572-8032 Appointment only-Last Monday of the month | |
New Westminster | Sarah Elder | Elderflower Doula | 7788899396 |
North Saanich | Adam Elia | North Saanich Fire Rescue | 12502089537 |
North Saanich | Jerry-Lyn Sampson | Pauquachin Head Start | 12368825282 |
North Saanich | North Saanich Fire | 250-656-1931 or firedept@northsaanich.ca Appointment only | |
North Vancouver | Carson Hobbes | Royal Canadian Mounted Police | 236-481-9040 |
North Vancouver | Holly Choi | Safe Beginnings First Aid | 778-994-1675 |
North Vancouver | Kathryn Sorenson | North Vancouver RCMP | 604-969-7553 |
Pemberton | Melissa Lewis | BC Emergency Health Services - Pemberton | 604-905-8937 |
Penticton | Colton Gillies | Penticton Fire Department | 778-879-9722 |
Penticton | Penticton Fire Dept. | 250-490-2300 Appointment only | |
Port Alberni | Chelsea Rai | Nuuchahnulth Tribal Council | 250-913-0071 |
Port Alberni | Madelene Batt | Port Alberni Association for Community Living | 7783230301 |
Port Alberni | Port Alberni Fire Dept | 250-724-1351 Appointment only | |
Port Hardy | Jacquita White | Wagalus | 2502301944 |
Port Hardy | Kyle Dornan | Port hardy RCMP | 250816407 |
Port Hardy | Spencer Amirault | North Island Community Services | 250-230-3032 |
Port Hardy | Tiffany Johnson | Sacred Wolf Friendship Centre | 250-902-0552 |
PORT HARDY | Sandra Louise Winfield | North Island Crisis & Counselling Centre Society | 289-969-5078 |
Port Hardy/Port McNeill | Leighann Ruel | North Island Crisis & Counselling Centre Society | 2502300720 |
Port McNeill | Edward Harrison | Port McNeill Rcmp | 2508981196 |
Powell River | Brian Bomprezzi | BC Emergency Health Services - Powell River | 604-223-8041 |
Powell River | Tla'Amin Health | 604-483-3449 Appointment only | |
Powell River | Powell River Fire & Rescue | 604-485-8647 | |
Powell River | Powell River Family Place | 604-485-2706 | |
Prince George | Cathy Scott (Mason) | Carrier Sekani Family Services | 250-562-3591 ext 1006 |
Prince George | Jennifer Cooper | Prince George RCMP | 250-561-3321 Appointment only |
Prince George | Katie Martin | Northern Health Authority - Prince George | 780-221-2610 |
Prince George | Keanna Morton | Phoenix Transition Society | 7786840421 |
Prince George | Keri Thies | Phoenix Transition Society | 2506144781 |
Prince George | Kim Staudt | Phoenix Transition Society | 250-301-7579 |
Prince George | Marci Sadoroszney | Harmony House Phoenix Transition Society | 2506402530 |
Prince George | Mireille Haunts | Royal Canadian Mounted Police | 250-561-3300 Appointment only |
Prince George | Prince George Fire Rescue | 250-561-7667 or fhadmin@princegeorge.ca - by appt only | |
Prince George | Samantha Moise | PGNAETA | 2505611199 |
Prince George | Thelma Heide | PGNAETA | 250-561-1199 |
Queen Charlotte | Jenna Inglis | Islands Wellness Society | 250-889-3057 |
Quesnel | Laurel Styles | Play Investigators | 250-255-0150 |
Quesnel | Laurie Pett | CDC | 250-925-1134 |
Quesnel | McKaela Griffin | Child Care Resource and Referral - Quesnel | 2502554571 |
Quesnel | Rose Tipold | no organization at this time | 250 991 2707 |
Quesnel | Sheila Manning | Child Care Resource and Referral - Quesnel | 250-992-7606 |
Quesnel | Tia Bunnah | Lhtako Dene Nation | 250-255-6445 |
Quesnel | Tiffany Charleyboy | Longname | 250-993-9160 |
Revelstoke | Sean Creighton | Revelstoke Fire Rescue | 250 837-2884 |
Richmond Fire Hall #1, 6960 Gilbert Rd | Car Seat Clinic: Sat. Feb 15 (10am-2pm) | Richmond Fire Rescue & Richmond RCMP | 604-207-4761 Appointment only |
Rossland | Derek Wolfe | BC Emergency Health Services - Rossland | 250-231-2376 |
Saanichton | Michelle Anderson | NIL TU,O Child & Family Services | 250-544-1400 #222 |
Saanichton | Victoria Fire | 250-920-3350 Appointment only | |
Saanichton | Central Saanich Fire Dept | 250-544-4244 Appointment only | |
Salmon Arm | Jo-Ann Schock | Salmon Arm Health Unit | 250-833-4100 ext 34151 |
Salt Spring Island | David Demner | Salt Spring Island Fire Fighters Association | 250-221-2573 |
Salt Spring Island | Mysha Dewar-McClelland | Salt Spring Island Fire Rescue | 6048317803 |
Salt Spring Island | Salt Spring Fire Rescue | 250-537-2531 Appointment only | |
Sechelt | Karen Whitby | Sunshine Coast RCMP | 6047414450 |
Sechelt | Sechelt Fire Dept. | 604-885-7017 Appointment only | |
Sicamous | Donna Helgeson | Interior Health Sicamous | 250-836-4835 |
Sicamous | Gwyneth Gau | Eagle Valley Community Support | 250-804-6890 |
Sicamous | Patricia Olin | Shuswap children’s association | 250-804-9863 |
Sidney | Craig Pelton | Sidney Fire Dept | 250-655-5426 ext 426 |
Sidney | Richard Ford | Sidney Fire Department | (250)883-5941 |
Skidegate | Carla Russ | Haida Child & Family Service Society | 2506371221 |
Smithers | Bronwyn Young | Smithers Passage Transtion House | 250-847-2595 |
Sooke | Sooke Fire Rescue | 250-642-5442 Appointment only | |
South Hazelton | Mya Hachkevich | Starting Smart | 250-877-8151 Appointment only |
South town | Nicole Sexsmith | Starting Smart | 250-877-8151 Appointment only |
Sparwood | Adrianna Head | Sparwood Fire Department | 250.425.0558 |
Surrey | John STABLES | Surrey RCMP | john.stables@rcmp-grc.gc.ca |
Surrey | Lindsay Wiebe | Surrey Police Service | 236-858-0269 |
Surrey | Muneer Shah | Surrey Police Service | 2366884902 |
Surrey | Child Care Resource and Referral - Options | 604-572-8032 Appointment only-Last Monday of the month | |
Terrace | Carrie Lynn Bazil | Kitsumkalum Health Center | 250-635-6172 |
Terrace | Cindy Hall | Skeena Child Care Resource and Referral | 250-635-0456 |
Terrace | Lissa Parker | Kitsumkalum Health Center | 2506159475 |
Terrace | Presley Roberts | Kitsumkalum | 250-641-9655 |
Terrace | Stacy Payne | Kitsumkalum Health Center | 250-615-1043 |
Tumbler Ridge | Joan Zimmer | BC Emergency Health Services - Tumbler Ridge | 250-242-7676 |
Vancouver | Chun Siu Choi (Marco) | Kerrisdale Oakridge Marpole Community Policing Centre | 2368183471 |
Vancouver | Jordan Lai | South Vancouver Community Policing Center | 604-717-2940 |
Vancouver | Michael Sauer | Grandview Woodland Community Policing Centre | 604-717-2932 |
Vancouver | Parnian Hosseini | Kitsilano Neighbourhood House | 604-736-3588 #124 Appointment only |
Vancouver | Paul Jordan | Kerrisdale Oakridge Marpole Community Policing Centre | 6047173434 |
Vancouver | Samantha Sama | Devi Family Wellness | 6048089217 |
Vancouver | Seraphina Draconia Irini Lalonde | Grandview Woodland Community Policing Centre | 2369868401 |
Vancouver | Shana Cherry | www.ismycarseatsafe.com | 604-649-6766 Appointment only |
Vancouver - East | Janna Backla | Janna Bakla | 604-315-1611 |
Vancouver - Westside | Avital Kline | Avital Kline | 778-995-3455 |
Vanderhoof | Daniel Du Toit | Connexus Community Resources - Vanderhoof | 250-996-1559 |
Vanderhoof | Desiree McEwen | Connexus Community Resources - Vanderhoof | 7789163322 |
Vanderhoof | Erin Smedley | Carrier Sekani Family Services | 250-567-2900 |
Vanderhoof | Kerri-Lee Derksen | Carrier Sekani Family Services | 250-570-7315 |
Vanderhoof | Libby Elliott | Northern Health Authority - Vanderhoof | 250-567-6165 |
Vanderhoof | Sarah Whitcroft | Carrier Sekani Family Services | 7789161837 |
Vanderhoof | Shelby Weatherill | Connexus Community Resources - Vanderhoof | 250-996-1675 |
Vernon | Danielle Violini | Interior Health Authority Vernon | 250-549-6332 |
Vernon | Jaclyn Savage | Interior Health Vernon | 250-549-5716 Appointment only |
Vernon | Rachelle Maglio | Interior Health Vernon | 250-549-5716 Appointment only |
Vernon | Sharmay Taylor | Ministry of Children & Family Development - Vernon | 778-943-7051 |
Victoria | Alex Stringer | Metchosin Fire | 250-883-4472 Appointment only |
Victoria | Caroline Li | Vancouver Island Health - Glandford | 778-967-2443 Mandarin speaking |
Victoria | Cole BREWER | RCMP | 2508888313 |
Victoria | View Royal Fire Dept | 250-479-7322 Appointment only | |
Victoria | Victoria Fire | 250-920-3350 Appointment only | |
Victoria | Colwood Fire | 250-478-8321 Appointment only | |
Victoria | Central Saanich Fire Dept | 250-544-4244 Appointment only | |
Victoria | Sean Van londersele | West Shore RCMP | 250-227-6545 Appointment only |
West Vancouver | Brock Harrington | West Vancouver Police | 604-925-7300 |
West Vancouver | Mark Braithwaite | West Vancouver Police | 604-925-7315 |
williams lake | Mackenna Morey | Cariboo Chilcotin Child Development centre | 2503022231 |
Williams Lake | Anita Diepdael | Cariboo Friendship Society - Wildwood Fire Dept | 778-267-0235 |
Williams Lake | Apryl Soichuk | Cariboo Friendship Society- Pregnancy Outreach Program | 250-392-3583 |
Williams Lake | Brittney McClinton | Cariboo Friendship Society- Pregnancy Outreach Program | 250-945-4818 |
Williams Lake | Carrie McCormack | Williams Lake Child Care Resource and Referral | 250-392-4118 |
Williams Lake | Christine Ann Arnott | Pregnancy Outreach | 2503923583 |
Williams Lake | Christine Reynolds | Cariboo Friendship Society - Wildwood Fire Dept | 6048455014 |
Williams Lake | Crystal Turatus | New Horizons Society for Autism and Special Needs | 250-302-9202 |
Williams Lake | Jennaya | 6042069955 | Williams lake |
Williams Lake | Jenny Quilt | Denisiqi Service Society | 2503926500 |
Williams Lake | Krista Harvey | Precious Cargo Consulting/BGC Williams Lake Club | 250-305-6213 |
Williams Lake | Lisa Anderson | Williams Lake Child Care Resource and Referral | 250-267-1805 |
Williams Lake | Lisa Presley | Williams Lake First Nation | 250-296-3507 ext 181 |
Williams Lake | Madison Batty | BGC Williams Lake Club | 250-392-5730 |
Williams Lake | Marissa Bruneau | Cariboo Friendship Society- Pregnancy Outreach Program | 2503052430 |
Williams Lake | Nancy Frost | Cariboo Chilcotin Child Development | 250-392-4481 Appointment only |
Williams Lake | Rafiya Zubair | Williams Lake Child Care Resource and Referral | 250-392-4118 |
Williams Lake | Shanice Dusanjh | Cariboo Chilcotin Child Development centre | 250-392-4481 |
Williams Lake | Shereen Lees | Cariboo Friendship Society- Pregnancy Outreach Program | 250-392-3583 |
Williams Lake | Tracy Goquen | Kidscare Daycare - Women's Contact Society | 778-598-0486 |
Williams Lake | Vincent Reynolds | Cariboo Friendship Society - Wildwood Fire Dept | 6042067022 |
Williams Lake | Wendy Reissner | Pregnancy Outreach | 250-392-3583 |
Windermere | Jennifer Hilder | Ktunaxa Kinbasket Child and Family Services Society | 250-342-6379 ext.3202 Appointment only |